How to Prepare for Your Distant Reiki Session

Distant Reiki Session

Healing energies are everywhere, and one of them is distant Reiki or healing. In this process, the healer doesn’t have to be present at the sessions, as it can be done by staying miles apart from the seekers. This healing process is very effective and just like the real-time one, and the healer and seeker don’t have to meet each other in person to get the benefits. It’s similar to feeling a vibration when you are in the healing room.

This is a type of alternative healing method where you will get treatment for your mental and emotional states along with the physical aspects. The healers even from a distant place will channel the energy to the seeker. So, how to prepare for a distant Reiki session? Let’s know about that in brief in this article.


Prepare for the session

To prepare for a distant reiki session, you have to feel like you are in a yoga class. Before starting the practices on the mat, you can take a warm bath and feel refreshed first. After this, you can start the session. You need a peaceful environment and if it’s impossible to get at home, then you can head out to the park and sit under a tree for 15 to 20 minutes.

If you are at home, then you can find a meditation spot, with beautiful backyard greenery to look at. You can lie down in bed if you feel like getting rest. You can make your personal space on the bed, use the incenses, scented candles, essential oils, and crystals if you want. The purpose is to create a peaceful environment.

Devote sometime just for you

Distant healing means you need some time off just for yourself. You don’t need someone to talk to, just silence and you. Keep aside your laptop and mobile phones, wear loose clothes.

Now close your eyes and take several deep breaths, this way you can relax. Calm your chatty mind and tell it to stop for a while, because now you just need yourself in this spot. Concentrate on the sounds around you, not the chatter of neighbors, but the birds chirping, dust motes whirling in the air, the rustling of leaves, anything natural pay attention to that. If you feel that your mind is again getting sidetracked then you can start with three deep breaths to return to the peaceful position.

Express your intention

You have to express your intentions to get the healing energies. This is enough for each session. You need to zone out from the real-time, the location you are in, just focus on the healing energy you need. This may seem a bit out of the place at times, but keep the doubts

at bay for a while and you will succeed for sure. If you are new to this energy healing process, you must start the session keeping an open mind. You might get questions about when will you be healed, or if this is real? But you have to keep these thoughts away from you, only then you can perceive the vibrant energy of the universe.

Finish the session

You can write down the ideas that have appeared in your mind, as this is the best time to get out-of-the-box thoughts. If you are distracted again take deep breaths and you will be back on track.

When you finally prepare to go back to the hustle-bustle of life then drink a glass of water and start your normal day. After the session, you will get a solution to many problems of life and this is how you can understand the benefits of distant Reiki.

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